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What our Customers Say

LIDAH® Stainless Steel Handpan I D-Minor
Hat alles prima funktioniert. Guter Austausch, sicher versandt und sehr beeindruckend.
LIDAH® Constellation Series – A-minor
Thank you for the wonderful tongue drum I received today received. I am extremely happy with it. What craftsmanship for such things to make beautiful instruments. Delivered in such a beautiful bag! For the first time in my life I feel a great deal of open-mindedness when playing on and with this instrument. I play like crazy with this one hand drum. Just from my feeling. And through the coordination of the so nothing can go wrong. So grateful.
LIDAH® Spiral Didgeridoo
This is a work of art! Beautiful. Great tone and easy to play yet packable to hike up where I want to go. Thank you!
LIDAH® Mini Handpan - Sunset
Awesome instrument. I am a sound healer. My original handpan was just too large for me to handle. I was a bit worried that this smaller size would not be suitable for my needs. However, for the size, the sustain and resonance is amazing. And it is tuned perfectly!!! Shipping from the Netherlands to US was quite fast. Oscar is very nice and responsive. Do not hesitate to buy from this seller. Love love love my new mini handpan!!!!
LIDAH® Stainless Steel Handpan – D-mineur (8)
Ik ben heel blij dat ik mijn keuze bij jullie heb gemaakt 👍😀. Ik heb veel reclame gemaakt. Enkele medestudenten Sound Healing zijn erg geïnteresseerd en ik heb jullie website en adres door gestuurd.
Shaman Drum (Air Pump System)
beautifully made drum with deep sound - and most importantly the tuning system - so the drum will never become flat. that's very critical! recommend.

Meditation and Spiritual Instruments

Are you looking for an instrument that will help you in your meditation and further spiritual development? Then a Hanpan, Tongue Drum or Didgeridoo will be a step in the right direction. In addition to the joy that playing these musical instruments comes with, the instruments are also ideal for alternative purposes.

  • Relaxation
  • De-stressing
  • Meditating
  • Music therapy
  • Spiritual development

What makes an instrument suitable for Meditation and Music Therapy?

In recent years, we've come to know more about the power of sound. Most people can connect to the thought of completely relaxing and clearing the mind while experiencing certain music. In addition, sounds can be extremely intense and also cause emotional expressions. 

Resonance, Vibration, Meditation and Music Therapy

Sound has a certain resonance. Resonance is explained as: how long a sound lasts when the source of the sound is removed. A Handpan or Tongue Drum has a very long lasting resonance. After playing one tone, the sound can be heard for seconds. 

This resonance in combination with the vibration (speed at which sound moves) and the rhythm of the player provide the beneficial effects that the Handpan, Tongue Drum or Didgeridoo can have during music therapy. Many of the positive effects of these instruments can also be experienced while meditating, yoga or practicing other spiritual expressions. We will post an article soon about the positive effects of meditation, music therapy and spiritual development.